Monday, May 22, 2017

Day before Surgery

I dutifully took my Picolax today - and it was quite a slow clear out - very slow, compared to the last time I did it. In fact, when I took the second sachet I almost wondered if it was ever going to work - but I think it has. I still think I am not completely cleared out, but I will be taking more laxatives tonight, so I hope that anything left will be gone.

I still feel absolutely shattered, had an ongoing bad headache, and generally bodily aches and pains. This morning, I needed a duvet over me whilst watching the TV and had put the heating on again despite the fact it is 23 degrees outside. I am clearly still not well.

I really hope that they find a reason for my problems, and that if they cannot deal with it tomorrow, that they get me back in again as soon as possible. I also sincerely hope they manage my pain post-surgery, as that has not been well-managed in the past.

I am now about to eat my last supper!

Here are my thoughts:

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